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Application for admission to the 2nd cycle postgraduare programme in Modern Greek Philology is submitted to the Secretary of the School of Philology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki along with…

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Exam Material 2023

Examination process is monitoring critical knowledge on issues of literary history as well as textual approach / analysis.


Criteria taken into account for the evaluation of applications: 1. Bachelor’s Degree Grade (in same or relevant field) (10%) 2. Relevance of undergraduate courses – average score (20%) 3. Compulsory…

Courses 2023-2024 (as in the following list)

Winter Semester ΝΕΦ 600: Ερευνητική μεθοδολογία: Νεοελληνικές σπουδές ΝΕΦ 607 Ειδικά θέματα κριτικής Ι ΝΕΦ 612 Λογοτεχνικά ρεύματα και τάσεις στη νεοελληνική λογοτεχνία Spring Semester ΝΕΦ 603 Eιδικά θέματα ποίησης…

Diploma Thesis

Diploma Thesis has a length of 15.000-20.000 words. Its preparation takes place during the third semester of studies, a final date for submission being February 15th. Specifications for the Diploma…